Anthony and Marie Clough

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Rat Race

It seems that life just keeps moving on. We wake up, go to work, and come home to crash though the mess into our beds. Sometimes it seems we get so busy that we forget what life is all about. We run here and there. We get caught up in s thousand different activities, and we loose focus on what is most important.
In one week we will celebrate Thanksgiving. I want to take this time to remember all the ways my life has been blessed. God has given me a wonderful wife, a place to live, and a job. I never want to forget all that He has done for me. Even when the shower is full of dirt or the floor is covered with insulation I want to be thankful. God is good!

Friday, November 6, 2009

On The Road Again!

Well here we go again! In just a little bit we will be hitting the road for another eight hour trip. Well it will be an eight hour trip if marie drives the whole way. It feels like we just got home from Maryland and now we are headed out again. I am definitely glad that we decided to push the reception in PA of an extra week. I don't think I could have made it last weekend.
Anyway, I am just rambling on about mostly nothing so I suppose I should sign off for now. Just wanted to let everyone know we are headed towards PA and we will be at the reception tomorrow. I guess that's a good thing considering it is in our honour. Now if I can only find that pillow everything will be just fine!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Happy Ever After

How many stories have you read that all end with the familiar clause, "and they lived happily ever after!"? I am just making a wild guess here, but something tells me the person who first wrote that saying couldn't have been married! Now don't take me wrong here. I am not saying that married life has not been wonderful. It is! To anyone who believes that their life of single-hood is the best there is I definitely recommend married life. The idea of living happily ever after seems like a little stretch of reality.

Being married to the most wonderful woman in the world has made me realize that life can be so amazing and yet so stressful all at the same time. There is nothing like waking up next to the love of your life, on the mattress on the floor, with sounds of a hammer ringing in your ears, and the sun shining through the curtains that are supposed to give you some sort of privacy. Am I happy? Yes! Am I questioning what possessed me to ever consider such an arrangement? Do I wonder what state of mind I must have been in when I agreed to move into such an exciting environment? No, I know the answer. You see I'm in love!

It doesn't really matter what happens over the next few month, or even in the next 100 years. I have chosen to love the most wonderful woman I have ever met. Even when we disagree, even when she steals all the covers, even when I wake up to her alarm for the third time on the same morning, I still love her! And so we will live happily ever after!